Nhimbe Trust, a dedicated advocate for cultural rights, has recently published its inaugural report focusing on artistic freedom in the Africa Region. Titled "Artistic Freedom in Focus: A Call for Change," the report meticulously examines cases of artistic freedom violations, highlighting the challenges faced by creators in the region.

Invitation to Breakout Session at World Expression Forum

We are looking forward to be present on this breakout session at the upcoming World Expression Forum, themed around the intersection of art, activism, and challenges faced by artists globally.

"Navigating the Pressures: Protecting Artistic Freedom in a Complex Landscape," will explore the intricate dynamics of artistic expression amidst censorship pressures from both authorities and civil society.

Norad's opportunity to directly engage in the administration of Norway's human rights efforts opens up new avenues. The director of Norad stated at last year's World Expression Forum in Lillehammer that they only support freedom of expression environments in the media sector working on themes related to Norad's other initiatives. Support for freedom of expression can now be on clear terms. The work for cultural rights will also be managed by Norad from August onwards. Not as in the old days, to change a narrative about, for example, gender equality through a production of Ibsen's "A Doll's House" in Mali, but to support those fighting for a society where artistic expressions are protected, and participation in artistic production is possible.

CategoriesCultural policy

At the Salzburg Global Seminar session ‘On the Front Lines: Artists at Risk, Artists who Risk’, in March 2023, fifty artists, activists and representatives from supporting organizations hailing from forty countries created the Salzburg Statement on Supporting Artists on the Front Line.  

Utenriksdepartementet støtter Unesco sitt Aschberg-program. Dette har fokus på beskyttelse av kunstnerisk frihet. Rett før sommeren publiserte de Defending Creative Voices, en dyptpløyende gjennomgang av de internasjonale beskyttelsesmekanismene for kunstnere, med tittelunderteksten «Learning from the safety of journalists». Referansen til journalister er nærliggende. Begge grupper er spesielt fremhevet i menneskerettighetssystemet, og begge er avhengige av ytringsfrihet i arbeidet sitt.

Solveig Korum Korum har tatt doktorgrad i bruk av musikk som verktøy i norsk utenriks- og bistandspolitikk ved Universitetet i Agder. I fagbladet for norsk bistandssektor, Panorama Nyheter, viser Solveig Korum til Mimeta som eksempel på norske organisasjoner som arbeider sammen med lokale partnere for å få frem en fungerende kultursektor i land der myndigheten ikke tar dette ansvaret.

CategoriesCultural policy

It is our pleasure to invite you to the roundtable “Artists at risk: Learning from the experience of journalists”, which will be hosted by UNESCO on Thursday 4 May 2023 from 13h00 to 13h30, in the framework of IFACCA’s 9th World Summit on Arts & Culture — Space A1 (Level 4), Waterfront Congress Centre, Stockholm, Sweden. The event will feature the launch of UNESCO’s new publication “Defending Creative Voices: Artists in emergencies – Learning from the safety of journalists” and the announcement of over US$ 1 million investment in artistic freedom through the UNESCO-Aschberg programme.

The roundtable, dedicated to the safety of artists, will be opened and moderated by Mr. Ernesto Ottone R., UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture. It will include the participation of the following panellists:

  • Mr Shahidul Alam, Artist, photojournalist, educator and social activist 

  • Ms Basma El Husseiny, Founder, Action for Hope

  • Ms Julie Trébault, Director, Artists at Risk Connection (ARC) - PEN America 
